Onsite recommendations (OSRs) are critical updates to your website that allow search engines and users to quickly and clearly understand what your business is all about. Our OSRs ensure your keywords are prominently featured in key sections throughout your website. If a website has clear, purposeful content it will be rewarded with higher rankings.
Our Top 5 Onsite Recommendations
1. Page Title – This is what a user sees in their browser “tabs”.
2. Meta Description – This generally appears in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) and is used to explain the purpose of the page to a searcher.
3. H1 Tag – Just like a chapter heading in a book, this highlights the importance of a term on a page.
4. Additional H-tags – These are used to emphasize key phrases on a page.
5. Alt Image Tags – These are used to describe the content of a picture/image.
In order to make your SEO campaign a success, it’s imperative to implement our onsite recommendations ASAP. We generally see a large spike in rankings 2-8 weeks after customers implement OSRs. If you give us access to your website, we can even implement them for you.
The faster OSRs are implemented, the faster you’ll see results!